Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The Iraqi War has Made a Fool of George Bush Essay -- essays research

The Iraki fightfare has Made a blackjack of George BushThere were several wars in the twentieth deoxycytidine monophosphate that caught the anxiety of the commonwealth. World War II, Vietnam War and The Cold War are completely a few of the m some(prenominal) wars we lived by. Now, in the twentieth first century the first war we have lived is the Iraqi War. The United States started a war against Iraq for causes that brought more negative than positive hearts for the Iraqi batch.II. CAUSES The Iraqi War started for allegations the U.S. had against Iraq with the United Nations. Even though Saddam ibn Talal ibn Talal Hussein, the chairman of Iraq gave a describe to the United Nations of all the arms he possessed, the United States decided to quest action superceding the United Nations diplomatic process and go into war. Another cause of the Iraqi War was because the United States promised to liberate Iraqis from the Husseins regime. Iraq had been in a regime where they did not have any liberty and they were robbed by their own government. This cause was another(prenominal) excuse for President Bush and his administration to declare a war against Iraq. A stratum after the war, the Iraqi people seem worst than before the war started.II.POSITIVE EFFECTSA positive effect of the Iraqi War left(p) was the overthrown of Saddam Hussein. With their advanced technology, the United States military could strategize smartly where Hussein was and flummoxd him. Because Hussein was accused for having in possession nuclear and biological weapons of mass destruction, the capture certainly was a relief for the whole world.Another positive effect of the Iraqi War is the opportunity of Iraq to a new government. Gubash mentions about the war effect on Iraqi government, The U.S. led overthrow of a dictator has accelerated the pressure for political and social reform that began in the light of September 11, 200, terrorist attacks. For years, people have been clamoring for democratic reform bit Arab regimes have just as staunchly resisted any change that that would wear away their grip on power (4). Many Iraqi people lived in fear because they never knew what to expect next of their dictator. Feisal Amin Al-Istrabadi, a Chicago lawyer said, This is a day weve been waiting for 35 years. (qtd. In Iraqi 1). Iraqis nowadays feel somewhat liberated by the drastic change in their government.III. NEGATIVE EFFECTSOne effect of the Iraqi ... ...ates asked the Iraqi people not to fear the war because they promised a new body politic. They repeatedly told the Iraqi people they were going to be at liberty. Many Iraqi hoped for a new life style with a new government where democracy really could rule their lives. It has been a year after the war and no positive results have seen. Sukkar quotes in Gubash, I dont take American credibility has been at a lower level at anytime in the past Syria. Proposals about democratic initiatives have no credibility wha tsoever. The U.S. does not tackle the Arab-Israeli conflict which is the crux of the problem It goes ahead and occupies another country. You cannot talk about democracy and right of self determination and attack someones territory without legimacy. (5).The reality is that the United States has not helped the people of Iraq to achieve a new government they have actually make it worst than what it was. V. CONCLUSIONIn The United States Bush Administration has all the way made a fool of them with the world. Now a year later, the unretentive people of Iraq are mad and angry because they have not seemed a new democratic government, nor a positive change as the U.S. promised.

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