Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Interpersonal Communication Problems Essay -- Communication Communicat

Interpersonal Communication ProblemsOver the teleph unity my pommel gives me an instruction. I hear it, give my recognition, hang up then make that I am not clear on exactly what it is that I am to do. Something about the proper way to add up my hours is the elemental message, but the way she has explained it is not clear to me. Yet. As far as she is concerned, every word she spoke, that is, the way she described her instructions, was perfectly spelled out. She sits in her character confident that her explanation is clear, while I sit behind my desk manage some detective trying to solve this great mystery. Although I understand every word she spoke, what she spoke does not register. No eureka bells ar setting off. I shake off trouble decoding her words. I whoremasternot retain the words shes transmitted. I am experiencing dialogue difficultys.This happens all the time. As in the case just described, somewhere between her message and my reception of it, the inwardness got lost. To the best of her knowledge, she has gone over a procedure that I project successfully grasped. But it remains unclear to me because I do not understand the way in which she is presenting it. To my boss, it is of course direct and sound, as it is from her foreland that the words and thoughts are being emitted. However, as soon as they collided with my throw thinking processes they lost complete lucidity. My faculties tell me she is talking but byword nothing sensible. Her faculties tell her her circular sentences are making sense. I sporadically acknowledge what she is relaying. She keeps relaying. We are discourse. But are we really?Given this situation, one is led to consider whether it is possible that, that is, can it be that, true communication is impossible? After a... ...y did her presentation of the information pose a problem? Considering we should have understood each other by the virtue of the fact that we speak the same language, this should not have been the case. As a field of fact, this case shows that even though we were using the same language I could not decipher her meaning. Her mind works in ways that mine does not. And if it is through our minds that we formulate information, then how can it be that what we are communicating will be received in its true form? No two minds work alike nor are their two beings which feel alike. Therefore, how can anyone know exactly what is being communicated? Each of us has a one-of-a-kind make-up. And though, yes, we do understand the use of words and their semantic properties, the fact that we even have to use words to effectively communicate alone makes true communication questionable.

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