Friday, September 13, 2019

Homeless Symposium Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Homeless Symposium - Essay Example Poor people are not able to pay for housing, and the situation is caused by the increased lack of employment opportunities and a decline in public assistance. Inadequate housing facilities have led to homelessness, as the available housing is too expensive thereby becoming unaffordable to the low- income households. Most women have run away from domestic violence together with their children leading them to homeless housing. Many families have ended in homelessness because of lack of affordable health care. The elderly poor individuals have landed in homeless apartments as their health decline and lack of public assistance increases. Drug abuse especially among the youths has made it possible for them to run away to homelessness as the society acts against their behavior. Homelessness in Indiana has adversely affected families and children in substantial levels. The trends depicted in national levels are trickling down to the local levels. Indiana has been ranked 24th in the number of homeless children in the entire nation. Moreover, Indiana has the high rates on the child homelessness making it 29th in the national ranking according to the National Homeless data. According to the national homeless data, in Evansville and its surrounding areas, more than 400 people are homeless of who one third of them are children. In these locales, at least 120 families are homeless daily. During the census of 2000, Evansville and its environs recorded the highest percent of homeless individuals per capita as compared to the numbers in the Indian county. Access to care that provides financial assistance to the target group would prevent them from eviction and will bolster public assistance thus enabling people to live with others. Access to care will enable a person to afford a rent of $ 457 per month if his or her wage earnings are at 30% Area Meridian Income (AMI). In Evansville and its

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