Monday, January 27, 2020
A Study on Research Methods And Approaches
A Study on Research Methods And Approaches This section describes the methods used in carrying out this research. Methodology is an overall approach to research process, from theoretical underpinning to the collection of data (Collis and Hussey, 2003). This section informs the reader of research design, whether it is explanatory, descriptive or he exploratory, and why a particular design is design is chosen. It informs the reader about the primary and secondary sources of data along with argument and rationalization (Ghauri and Gronhaug, 2005). Baker (2003) describes methodology as the critical evaluation of alternative research strategies and methods. Methodology is a combination of techniques used to enquire into specific situation (Easterby-Smith, et al. 2002). Methodology is the analysis of, and the rationale for, the particular method or methods used in a given study, and in that type of study in general (Jankowicz, 2000). 3.2 Research approaches The extent to which the theory is clear at the beginning of the research is important in the design of the research project. The researcher can use the deductive approach and/or the inductive approach (Saunders, 2007). 3.2.1 Deductive approach In this approach, a theory and hypothesis is developed and a research strategy is designed to test the hypothesis. The theory allows examining the specific outcome of the inquiry, which will tend to confirm the theory or indicate modifications (Saunders, 2007). 3.2.2 Inductive approach In this approach, first the data is collected and theory is developed from the result of the data analysed. The result of this analysis would be the formulation of a theory. This approach is concerned with the context in which the events are taking place. Therefore the study of a small sample of subjects might be more appropriate than a large number as with the deductive approach (Saunders, 2007). According to Saunders et al. (2003), followers of the inductive approach would criticise the deductive approach because of its tendency to construct a methodology that is not flexible and that does not allow alternative explanations of what is going on. On the other hand, the deductive approach emphasises scientific principles, moving from theory to data, the need to explain underlying relationships between variables, collection of quantitative data, the application of controls to ensure validity of data, the working of concepts to ensure clarity of definition, a highly structured approach, researcher independence of what is being researched and the necessity to select samples of sufficient size in order to generalise conclusions (Saunders et al., 2003). According to Saunders et al. (2003), the inductive approach also emphasises gaining an understanding of the meanings humans attach to events, a close understanding of the research context, the collection of qualitative data, a more flexible structure that allows room for changes as the research progresses, a realisation that the researcher is part of the research process and less concern with the need to generalise. This approach to research also gives room for alternative theories to be put forth. According to Saunders et al. (2003), deductive research can be quicker to complete. However, time must be devoted to setting up the study prior to data collection and analysis. On the other hand, inductive research can be more prolonged. While the deductive approach to research can be a lower risk strategy, inductive research poses the risk that no useful data patterns and theory may emerge. According to Saunders et al. (2003), most managers are familiar with the deductive approach and are much more likely to put faith in the conclusions emerging from this approach. Having looked at both the research approaches individually and weighing them against each other, it is also useful to look at whether a combination of both these methods is possible. According to Fowler (2002), although most surveys use a single data collection method, it is not uncommon for a combination of methods to be used. This is further reiterated by Saunders et al. (2003) who say that these approaches can not only be mixed and matched, but it is also beneficial to do so. There are two major advantages of using multi-methods in the same study. Another advantage of using a combination of two methods is that it enables triangulation to take place. The advantage of using triangulation is that the weaknesses in each single method will be compensated by the counter-balancing strengths of another. The researcher has used the combination of two methods i.e. triangulation approach which was best suited for the undertaken study. 3.3 Research Design Research design is about organising research activity, including the collection of data, in ways that are most likely to achieve the research aim (Easterby-Smith, et al. 2002). Saunders, at al. (1997) suggests that a research design needs to consider the extent to which you should collect data from a research population. Vogt (1993) defines research design as the science of planning procedures for conducting studies so as to get the most valid findings. Research design is an overall plan for relating the conceptual research problem to relevant and practicable empirical research which provides a plan or a framework for data collection and its analysis (Ghauri and Gronhaug, 2005). Collin and Hussey (2003) argue that determining a research design would give a detailed plan, which will be used to guide and focus on research. Hair, et al. (2003) argues that a research design provides the basic direction for carrying out a project. For the purpose of this research a case study approach has been used i.e. the case study of SVR Institutions, Bangalore (SVR), an educational institution in India. Collin and Hussey (2003) define a case study as an extensive examination of a single instance of a phenomenon of interest and is an example of a phenomenological methodology. Case study is a research study, which focuses on understanding the dynamics present within single setting (Eisenhardt, 1989). Robson (2002) defines case study as the development of detailed, intensive knowledge about a single case or related number of cases. Case study method is used when thesis focuses on a set of issues in a single organisation, and when researcher wants to identify the factors involved in an in-depth study of the organisation (Jankowicz, 2000). The case study approach is suitable because the researcher looked into an educational organisation to ascertain whether this organisation benefits the economically weaker and deprived famili es in the community. 3.4 Adopting Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods Research method is that section of research report that describes the research methods used in conducting the research (Hair, et al. 2003). Research method is a systematic and orderly approach taken towards the collection and analysis of data so that information can be obtained from data (Jankowicz, 2000). Two main type SVR of approaches to research are qualitative and quantitative approaches. The quantitative approach is collecting and analysing of numerical data and applying statistical test, while quantitative approach is more subjective in nature and involves examining and reflecting on perceptions in order to gain an understanding of social and human activities (Collis and Hussey, 2003). Qualitative approach is the nature and content of what is said while quantitative approach determines the number of who said it (Jankowicz, 2000). Baker (2003) argued that quantitative methods are usually regarded as more robust, leading to actionable results and recommendations, whereas qualitative methods are seen as lacking in rigour, resulting in indecisive outcomes. Van Maanen (1983) defines qualitative techniques as an array of interpretative techniques which seek to describe, decode, translate and otherwise come to terms with the meaning, not the frequency, of certain more or less naturally occurring phenomena in the social world. Collis and Hussey (2003) argue that quantitative approach to data collection provides relative ease and speed with which research can be conducted. Ghuari and Granhaug (2005) describe qualitative method of data analysis as the interactive way where collected data are analysed initiating new question and further data collection. Qualitative research is thus common in social and behavioural sciences and among practitioners who want to understand human behaviour and functions. Since this research has to do with social sciences, it makes qualitative analysis relevant to the research. The rationale of using quantitative methods for this study was in order to obtain the opinion of the management, staff and students rather than seek only statistical data which can eliminate the human aspect and only seek to measure a predetermined variable (Black, 2003). The quantitative data analysis gives the research more direction and viable to readers by numeric interpretation of responses to the questionnaires given out, apart from this using quantitative method of analysing is rational. The quantitative data analysis has been used in the research by quantifying responses from the management, staff and students of the organisation via questionnaires. Rather than using large samples and following a rigid protocol to examine a limited number of variables, case study methods involve an in-depth, longitudinal examination of a single instance or event: a case. They provide a systematic way of looking at events, collecting data, analysing information, and reporting the results. As a result the researcher may gain a sharpened understanding of why the instance happened as it did, and what might become important to look at more extensively in future research (Collis and Hussey, 2003). The figures obtained by the researcher from the different questionnaires and the bar charts could be referred to as the quantitative element of this research while the subsequent analysis and explanation of ideas could be referred to as the qualitative element. 3.5 Questionnaires Questionnaire is a list of carefully structured questions, chosen after considerable testing, with a view to eliciting reliable responses from chosen sample. The aim of a questionnaire is to find out what a selected group of participants do, think or feel (Collin and Hussey, 2003). Questionnaires are used to collect data by asking the sample/participants to respond to exactly the same set of questions. Saunders, et al. (2003) identifies two basic type SVR of questionnaires as self-administered and interviewer administered. They further identified the following type SVR of self-administered questionnaire: Online Questionnaire, The Postal or Mail Questionnaire, Delivery and Collection Questionnaires, Telephone Questionnaires, Structured Interview Questionnaires. For the purpose of this research the self-administered questionnaire shall be used through the use of delivery and collection system. The questionnaire method will facilitate this research due to time constraint on the part of both the researcher and the respondents. To justify this, other methods used in collecting primary data are semi structured and in depth interviews. The questions in the questionnaire will be a combination of Yes/No questions, questions that will give the respondent an option to add comments/justification further to his/her answer. Open questions are also used to allow the respondents free to express his/her view, so that it helps in critical analysis. 3.6 Interviews Interviews are a method of collecting data in which selected participants are asked questions in order to find out what they think or feel. Interviews make it easier to gather the necessary information and opinions, maybe face to face, voice to voice or screen to screen; conducted with individuals or group of individuals (Hussey and Hussey, 1997). For the purpose of this research, conducting interviews, a qualitative method of data collection is used. According to Saunders et al. (2003) interviews are categorised as follows: Structured interviews Semi- structured interviews Unstructured interviews Structured interviews are based on a pre-determined set of questions that are asked by the interviewer in a particular order with no room for flexibility. There is no much room for interaction between the interviewer and the interviewee. A semi-structured interview also involves a pre-determined set of questions, but gives the interviewer scope to change the order of questions asked, query certain areas of interest based on the answers given. However, unstructured interviews are informal. This method of interviewing allows the interviewer to ask any questions without being bound to a pre-determined set of questions. It looks more like a casual chat which allows the interviewer to talk about the issues pertaining to the research (Saunders et al., 2003). The interviewer conducted semi-structured interviews, as it is more flexible and helpful in this research. 3.6.1 Interviews Procedure Prior to the interview, each respondent will be met personally to provide him or her with details about the topic, time and details about the topic. All the respondents were issued a consent form, which mentioned that participation will be voluntary, without coercion and they could withdraw from the study at any time. Interviews will be physically constructed in the organisation rooms, with prior permission. 3.7 Samples and Procedures Jankowicz (2000) describes sampling as a deliberate choice of a number of people, the sample who are to provide data from which you will draw conclusions about some larger group, the population whom this represents. Sample is a subset of a population, while population is a body or any collection of items under consideration (Collis and Hussey, 2003). Ghauri, et al. 1995 defines sampling as saving work, examining the sample instead of whole population. Sampling saves time; this is evident when you have tight deadlines. Occasionally, to save time, surveys collect data from the entire population but analyse only a sample of the data collected. For reasons of economy this procedure has sometimes been adopted for hard-to-code questions, such as occupation and industry, in the United Kingdom 1991 census. Data were collected from the total population for all questions but, for the hard-to-code questions, only 10 per cent were entered into the computer and subsequently analysed, although it should be noted that, for the 2001 census, advances in automated and computer assisted coding software meant all these were coded (Teague, 2000). Many researchers, for example Henry (1990), argue that using sampling makes possible a higher accuracy than a census. The smaller number of cases for which the data is collected means that more time can be spent designing and piloting the means of collecting these data. Collecting data from fewer cases also means that the collected information will be more detailed. For the purpose of this research, the sampling method has been used because it is practically impossible to reach the entire population due to time constraints on the part of the researcher. 3.8 Sampling Techniques Sampling techniques are a range of methods that enable the researcher to reduce the amount of data to be collected by considering only data from a subgroup rather than possible cases or element (Saunders, et al. 2003). Two types SVR of sampling techniques are identified as follows: Probability or Representative sampling Non-probability or Judgemental sampling (Saunders, et al. 2003). Probability sampling is the selection of elements based on random sample procedure that gives a known and non-zero chance of being selected, thereby minimizing selection. It involves taking large samples considered to be representative of target population from which they are drawn (Saunders, et al. 2003). In non-probability sampling, the probability of each case being selected from the total population is unknown. Non-probability sampling is more frequently used for case study research. In this sampling the researcher uses subjective methods such as personal experience, convenience, and expert judgement to select elements in the sample (Saunders, et al. 2003). For the purpose of this research a non-probability or judgmental sampling was used because samples were determined by the use of researchers judgement, experience and convenience. 3.9 Population for Study The population will compromise of all the employees of the SVR Institutions, Bangalore. 3.10 Sample Size Collis and Hussey (2003) assert that the question of appropriate number of subjects to include in a sample is complex and it is a question of deciding how accurate the researcher wants the result to be and how confident is the answer. For the purpose of this research, the total sample size is confined to 110 individuals. 3.11 Pilot Study Pilot study refers to so-called feasibility studies, which are small scale versions or trial runs, done in preparation for the major study (Polit et al. 2001: 467). A pilot study can also be the pre-testing or trying out of a particular research instrument (Baker 1994: 182-3). De Vaus (1993: 54) quotes Do not the risk, Pilot test first. The advantages of conducting the pilot study is that it will caution the researcher in advance where the research project could fail, whether the proposed methods or instruments are appropriate or too complicated. Pilot studies are conducted for the following reasons: To assess the feasibility of a (full-scale) study. It wasnt feasible to consider all the UK companies, hence the case study research. Designing a research protocol Use of case study approach, research questionnaires to sample views and opinions about the project topic, subjective selection of sample based on the researchers judgement, disregarding response questionnaires, which were incomplete. Assessing whether the research protocol is rational and feasible The case study approach, use of questionnaires and interviews are tried and proven methods, hence the researchers confidence in employing them. These research protocols were taken to ensure that project deadlines were achievable. Establishing whether the sampling frame is affective The chosen sampling frame was deemed to be effective because the researcher found the method successfully applied in similar research. Identifying logistical problems, which might occur using proposed methods Issuing of questionnaires to a very large sample size was a problem, hence an appropriate sized sample was chosen. Interviews with the sized sample were conducted to gain their views and opinions. Developing a research question and research plan The researcher developed his research questions based on his primary research on the project topic. Convincing other stakeholders that the main study is worth supporting The stakeholder was the researchers supervisor. Before embarking on the project, the researcher had to complete a proposal outlining the importance and benefits of researching the project topic. 3.12 Method of Data Analysis The data collected through responses in the questionnaires, were analysed and interpreted with the use of the Pie Chart: this is a data presentation which is use in analysing quantitative datas to show the proportion of occurrences of categories or values for one variable. (Saunders et al, 2003, p.340). The data collected through semi-structured interviews were analysed through the use of conceptualization, meanings expressed through words and classifying the results into categories. The above methods used indicate that validity and reliability of data will be ensured and problem of bias will be reduced (Collis and Hussey 2003). Both the qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection will lead to actionable result. The case study approach has helped the researcher to be more focused and facilitate a meaningful result. 3.13 Ethical issues Another very important consideration during research is the ethical issues that may arise. Some of the data to be collected during research could be of highly sensitive nature and therefore may need a formal consent. Some other ethical issues could be privacy of the respondents, possible harm to participants, and possibility of deception involved (Diener and Crandall, 1978). These issues have been taken into consideration for the purpose of this research. The data was collected after a formal consent from SVR Institutions, Bangalore. A clear explanation of the purpose of the study was given to the management. All the respondents were explained the purpose of the study and were also given literature about the study and assured confidentiality and anonymity.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The 1820 Missouri Compromise Essay -- essays research papers fc
The 1820 Missouri Compromise Slavery and the Civil War Research Task- Describe the role of the 1820 Missouri Compromise in the campaign against slavery! The 1820 Missouri Compromise played a large role in the campaign against slavery. In 1819 Missouri became a statehood and congress considered framing a state constitution, with this a representative attempted to add a anti-slavery legislation with it. This is what started the process of the campaign against slavery. Henry Clay made a large contribution toward this compromise in 1820, with his new ideas on how to settle the conflict between the North and the South, which lasted until 1954.All the compromiseââ¬â¢s made from 1820's to the Kansas Nebraska compromise in 1854, were all factors which led to the civil war. The state constitution in 1819, was what began of this compromise when James Tallmadge, a representative from New York attempted to add a anti- slavery amendment to the legislation. This gave a ugly and conflicted debate over slavery and the governments rights to restrict slavery. This Tallmadge amendment restricted all further introduction of slaves into Missouri and provided setting free once they reached the age of 25.This legislation was not passed, as the House of Representatives which was controlled by the North passed the idea, but it failed in the Senate which was equally divided between the North and the South. Although the legislation didnââ¬â¢t pass it led to Henry Clay taking it on when Maine became a free state. When Maine became a free state, the plan was largely that of Henry Clay who became known as the ââ¬ËGreat Compromiser.ââ¬â¢ Before there was a Compromise, there was a lot of controversy as there was always a equal amount of free states and slaves states since 1789, if Maine was to become a free state (which was highly unavoidable as slaves started to migrate into Missouri and the West of Mississippi), there became a unbalance. This issue was resolved through a two-part compromise, the northern part of Massachuset became known as Maine and was made a free state, at the same time Missouri was a slave state which would once again maintain a balance of 12 slave and 12 free states. In addition to this, a line was drawn at 36 degrees 30 minutes North latitude, and any sections of Louisiana territory lying North of the compromise would be free. This act also pr... ...ving twice been a resident on Free soil. The lower court and the Missouri Supreme Court ruled against him; and the case went to the US Supreme Court. The Chief Justice Rodger Taney declared that the Missouri Compromise, was unconstitutional and the congress didnââ¬â¢t have the power. The issue of slavery, once again, made war sound as if it couldnââ¬â¢t be avoided. The 1820 Missouri Compromise was known as highly dangerous and conflicting as it was trying to keep an equal balance of Free and slave-holding states between the North and the South, although the compromise did play a vital role in withholding the peace between the North and the South until the new compromise in 1854 came about. The Missouri compromise was said that it with held the Civil War for over three decades and it played a vital role in the start of the abolition of slavery in America. Bibliography- Word Count- 1112 Internet Sites Used- - Sat 12 February, Time 12:42-1:09pm Sat 12 February, Time 12:12-12:56pm. Books Used
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Agricultural Subsidies and Development
1. The removal agricultural tariffs and subsides, according to Oxfam, would benefit developed nations because their consumers would benefit from lower domestic agricultural prices and the elimination of the taxes they must pay in order to support the subsidies. The producers in the developed world would lose this government protection from competition as well as the financial incentives. I believe there would be a net benefit from changing our agricultural policy because: ? The government program distorts a functioning market. A functioning market allows capital (investment) to flow where it can gain the highest return. If a good or product can be produce more efficiently outside of the United States, the producer and consumer benefit. The benefit to the consumer in lower prices, improved product quality and lower taxes, helps the US economy by increasing the consumerââ¬â¢s buying power. The higher purchasing power changes the US consumersââ¬â¢ outlook on their personal wealth, and thereby their future spending. The so-called wealth effect occurs when consumersââ¬â¢ perception of their finances allow them to spend more of their income. This higher propensity to consume by US consumers should offset the loss of domestic spending on agricultural products. ? The increase of trade also enables the more efficient producer to reciprocate in buying products or services from the US where we have a competitive advantage. Therefore, in addition to the gain in consumer spending from the improvement of consumer purchasing power, the US will gain additionally from purchases from their new trade relationship. 2. I believe that removing agricultural tariffs and subsidies will help the citizens of the worldââ¬â¢s poorest nations. As one UN official has noted. ââ¬Å"Itââ¬â¢s no good building up roads clinics, and infrastructure in poorer areas if you donââ¬â¢t give them access to markets and engines for growth. â⬠Increasing demand for their products will allow their economy to expand. The increase of employment, and thereby their domestic consumer spending, will have a similar effect as I described above. The higher income will spur domestic spending for other local goods and services. The net effect will be increased domestic wealth, expansion of their consumer spending, and thereby the local economy. Unfortunately foreign aid is frequently poorly managed, although necessary. The most effective program is one that enables the local economy to produce a product or service that is demanded by consumers (locally and / or internationally). 3. Historically government programs protected our agricultural business by creating the necessary supports to make farming a sustainable business. Today developed nations continue to lavish extensive support on agricultural producers in spite of the fact that the agricultural production in most developed countries is self sufficient. In the US, the agricultural industry in many states has a very powerful political lobby. Both political parties will agree to support government subsidies in order to win the support of the agricultural lobbies. The politicians often claim that their motive is to preserve a historic rural lifestyle, and they see subsidies as a way of achieving that goal. This sentiment is still believed by many voters, as some small farms do exist, but the vast amount of the $300 billion in subsidies per year go major agricultural businesses. Perhaps one reason why this is overlooked is due to the efficiency of US agriculture. The highly efficient businesses in most developed counties produce products at historically low prices. Todayââ¬â¢s US consumer spends less than 10% of their income on food. As food prices rises, due to the falling US dollar, and the growing global economy increases demand for food products, we may be forced to spend more of income on food, and then the focus on the agricultural subsidies and tariffs may get more attention.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Gilgameshs and Scrooges Character Changes Essay - 474 Words
Gilgameshs and Scrooges Character Changes The character Gilgamesh from Epic of Gilgamesh and the character Scrooge from Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol grow during their respective storylines and experience a number of character changes. Through a series of trials, one sees both Gilgamesh and Scrooge transform from powerful but selfish individuals to beings possessing kindness and empathy. In the beginning, Gilgamesh is a fantastic athlete and warrior. As one would expect from an individual who is two thirds god and one third man, his beauty, strength and courage surpassed all others. He built great walls for his city and temples for the gods. Gilgameshs flaw, however, is that he is a poor king. He is known forâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦More importantly, the friendship that is formed after their battle eases Gilgameshs lonesomeness and is the first step towards his socialization. The next improvement that we see in Gilgamesh involves his voyage to the Cedar Forest where he and Enkidu kill Humbaba. Gilgameshs motives are both for his personal gain and for the good of his people. Gilgamesh is honored for his actions and the people of Uruk enjoy the newly opened Cedar Forest. The destruction of Humbaba and opening of the Cedar Forest provides more resources for the people of Uruk and betters their lives. Here we see Gilgamesh uncharacteristically thinking with others in mind. Right when Gilgamesh seems to be making progress in becoming a better king, however, he returns to a state of selfishness after Enkidus death. Rather than remaining in Uruk, as he should, he travels to find Utnapishtim in search of immortality. During Gilgameshs search for immortality, we once again see improvement in his character. When Utnapishtim offers Gilgamesh a rejuvenating plant, Gilgamesh plans to give it to the elderly in Uruk rather than keeping it to himself. Here we see that Gilgamesh has been humbled. Although a snake steals the rejuvenating plant, Gilgamesh still learns a great deal from his journey. From Utnapishtim, Gilgamesh learns a great deal about immortality as well as responsibility. This knowledge is the final step in Gilgameshs transition to a good
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